


First intervention


People reached




Budget spent


Since 2012, Mali has been experiencing a complex political crisis that has worsened over the years, resulting in two coups d’état between 2020 and 2021 and recurring conflicts between the different armed groups. The current transitional government has repeatedly postponed presidential elections as tensions in the country continue. 

Since August 2023, the conflict has intensified in northern Mali, largely under the control of militant Islamist groups, with an unprecedented impact on civilians and the abandonment of entire settlements and towns.

Ongoing insecurity hampers access to agricultural land with serious implications for food security. 25% of the population suffers from moderate to acute food insecurity, and nearly one million children under the age of five are acutely malnourished.

In areas where non-state armed groups have a stronger presence, cases of sexual exploitation, recruitment of women and children, forced marriage, forced labour, and other forms of abuse are on the rise.

INTERSOS’ intervention

In 2023, the INTERSOS provided sustained support to populations affected by the humanitarian crisis in the most remote and insecure areas, where many needs remain unmet and where the State is absent or has little presence. Our humanitarian operators implemented Protection, Food Security and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) projects, targeting the most vulnerable households, especially women, girls, children, and displaced persons, and contributed to strengthening the capacity of local actors to ensure access to basic quality services.

INTERSOS operational strategy in the country focused on localisation. Therefore, throughout the year, strategic partnerships were established with local and national organisations in order to strengthen their operational, technical, and organisational capacities. In 2023, activities were carried out in partnership with the local NGOs Femme et Développement (FEDE), AMSS, and Delta Survie. 

In 2023, food and kitchen tools were distributed to vulnerable people, as well as hygiene kits (containing personal hygiene products) and dignity kits (containing essential hygiene items for women and girls). These food and kit distributions were supported by training for people in need of nutrition to ensure a balanced diet and good family practices, community awareness-raising sessions on protection risks, including the identification and referral of cases of Gender-Based Violence, and on good hygiene practices.