VOC - Community Volunteers
VOC – Volunteers in Communities aims to strengthen the active participation of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons, recognising their inherent capacities as agents of change and representatives of their communities.
Launched by INTERSOS and UNHCR in 2022, the project identifies volunteers within the communities of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons and supports them to play a bridging role between their communities and the host society, as well as with the world of local services, institutions and integration pathways.
Volunteers also facilitate consultation dynamics within the communities by organising thematic discussions to identify needs, difficulties and resources. Finally, volunteers orient refugees to services, facilitating their identification and access.
In 2023, the community volunteers included 68 women and men aged 18 to 60, refugees or members of diaspora communities. They come from Afghanistan, Argentina, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guinea, Gambia, Iran, Lebanon, Mauritania, Mexico, Peru, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Ukraine and Venezuela. Some are stateless.
VOCs are cultural mediators, students, lawyers, psychologists, translators, workers, managers, teachers, social workers, journalists, restaurateurs, musicians, athletes and documentary filmmakers.
Throughout 2023:
- 68 volunteers from refugee communities, asylum seekers, or diaspora groups were identified.
- 74 individuals from the target communities were trained on protection and related issues.
- 1,253 people were sensitized on topics such as access to work, health, mental health, and civil and socio-economic rights.
- 2,506 refugees and asylum seekers were guided to local services.
- 43 Focus Group Discussions on various topics were conducted with representatives from the communities.
Contact and information
Would you like to learn more about the Community Volunteers programme and initiatives? Would you like to collaborate with us?
Write an e-mail to: partecipazione.voc.italia@intersos.org
Feedback and Complaints
To send feedback, a complaint or a report on the programme, please write to: complaint.italy@intersos.org.
Please specify in the subject line of the email that it is about the Volunteers in Communities programme.
Would you like to become a volunteer?
Click here to access the application form that will be sent and managed by INTERSOS.