The battle against gender-based violence and discrimination is mainly a cultural battle. And it begins with prevention and enhancement of a correct understanding of gender roles and sexuality.



INTERSOS, with the financial support of the Department for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid of the European Commission (ECHO), dedicated to this goal a project named “Equal Protection, Equal Rights: Enhancing Inclusion and Access for all” in Jordan.


“Beyond the necessary support of the victims, including the most neglected subjects, such as LGBTIQ+ people, this project combined three fundamental objectives: raising awareness, building networks of solidarity, strengthening local organizations,” says INTERSOS Head of Mission Yves Riou.


11.288 people were involved in prevention activities organized in the Governorates of Amman, Irbid, Karak, Ma’an, Madaba and Tafileh with awareness raising sessions on gender roles and Gender and Sexuality Power Discussions.


“It’s like I was blind and now I see for the first time – one of the participants affirmed – Learning that speaking out is a protected right of mine is something I wish I had known long time ago, have I known earlier, I would have taken better informed decisions that would ultimately benefit me and my family.”


Group activities have also represented a positive change for many people belonging to LGBTIQ+ community, helping them to get out of the isolation and stigma related to their identity. An objective that INTERSOS reached also thanks to the collaboration of pioneering local associations.


“Males from the LGBTIQ+ community view the emotional support groups of high value and many of them call it “a safe heaven” – on of the operators underlines – because they feel the safest sharing their utmost defining moments and experiences within the group”.


The direct and ongoing support activity dedicated to the identified victims of gender-based violence had 966 beneficiaries reached. Case management focused both on psychological and material aspects, with financial support interventions aimed at overcoming situations of social marginalization (as in the case of homeless or unemployed people, due to the discrimination suffered). “The future development of this humanitarian intervention – underlines INTERSOS head of mission – must certainly look to an ever greater sustainability, with a growing involvement of local resources”.