
Many national and international foundations support INTERSOS’ humanitarian efforts.
We partner with these foundations to provide critical frontline assistance during the most serious humanitarian emergencies.
Our shared humanitarian values and active collaboration result in measurable and impactful actions that protect the most vulnerable.
Foundations supporting INTERSOS
- Waldensian Church
- Italian Buddhist Institute Soka Gakkai
- CON IL SUD Foundation
- Kahane Foundation
- Lavazza Foundation
- Alstom Foundation
- Italian Buddhist Union
- King Baudouin Foundation
- Con i bambini Onlus
- National Communications Foundation
- LDS Charities
- Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
- UEFA Foundation
- Intercultura Foundation
- Prosolidar Foundation
- Medicus Mundi
- ITO Supporting Comity
- Amaris Foundation
- Edmond J Safra Foundation
- Johnson and Johnson Foundation
- Stavros Niarchos Foundation
- Terzo Pilastro Foundation
- Snam Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- Monti Uniti di Foggia Foundation
- Stichting Vluchteling
- Biscaretti Foundation
- Cassa di Risparmio di Calabria Foundation
- Intesa San Paolo Foundation
- IKEA Foundation
- Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation
- Intesa San Paolo Charity Fund
- IBM Foundation
- 8x1000 UCEBI
- 8x1000 CEI
- Enel Cuore Foundation
- Infocamere

Since 2015, with the support of the 8×1000, the Waldensian Church has been supporting INTERSOS in various sectors and countries: emergency education (South Sudan), social and health support for refugees (Greece), social and health intervention in response to the COVID-19 emergency (Italy), gender-based violence protection (Democratic Republic of Congo), water and hygiene programs (Lebanon and Afghanistan), the complete construction of an operating room in the hospital of Ku’aydinah, one of the most remote areas in northern Yemen, child protection activities (Libya), earthquake response intervention (Syria), and flood response intervention in Libya.

In 2022, the Institute supported the emergency intervention in Ukraine and the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in Yemen. The Institute’s support was crucial for strengthening and expanding INTERSOS’ involvement in the Covax program in Yemen throughout 2023.

Since 2022, the Foundation has been supporting the project “Proximity social and healthcare services in informal settlements in the province of Foggia and promotion of best practices in institutions,” enabling INTERSOS’ presence in the area for the period 2022-2024.

Since 2018, the Foundation has supported INTERSOS, enabling the launch of social and healthcare activities through mobile clinics to assist agricultural workers in Foggia, as well as the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome (Italy). The Foundation has also supported INTERSOS’ emergency interventions, first during the pandemic in Italy and later in operations in Ukraine.

Since 2023, the Foundation has supported the empowerment and employment integration program for migrant women, survivors of gender-based violence or trafficking, at the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome (Italy). The Foundation has also chosen to support the emergency intervention following the earthquake in Syria.

In 2023, the Italian Buddhist Union supported the emergency intervention related to the crisis in Ukraine.

Since 2023, the Foundation has been supporting a mental health promotion project aimed at minors and educators at the INTERSOS Ottavia Training Center in Italy.

Since 2023, Con i Bambini Onlus has supported a project at the INTERSOS Ottavia Training Center aimed at facilitating access to and use of the education system for migrant families in Italy.

In 2020, the Foundation contributed to the Covid-19 socio-health response in Italy, including both initial emergency efforts and subsequent medical activities, as well as to emergency interventions in Ukraine and for the earthquake in Syria.

Since 2017, LDS Charities has supported the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome and the Covid-19 socio-health response in Italy. In 2021, LDS expanded its support to INTERSOS by providing assistance for protection interventions for refugees and asylum seekers in Greece.

ACRI supported the PAGELLA IN TASCA project—Study Channels for Refugee Minors to promote entry with a student visa for 35 unaccompanied minors currently seeking refuge in Niger, which was launched in 2020.
In 2022, ACRI supported INTERSOS’ emergency intervention in Ukraine.

The Foundation supported the PAGELLA IN TASCA project—Study Channels for Refugee Minors to promote entry with a student visa for 35 unaccompanied minors currently seeking refuge in Niger, which was launched in 2020.

In 2022, the Foundation financed the renovation of a soccer field in Lebanon to contribute to the protection of the most vulnerable children and promote social cohesion through sports.

In 2016, the Foundation contributed to the A28 Night Center for unaccompanied foreign minors passing through Rome, Italy.

In 2017, the Prosolidar Foundation supported the purchase of a Mobile Medical Unit, aimed at providing primary healthcare to the migrant and resident population in Rome, Italy, and ensuring an immediate response to protection, health, and administrative/legal information needs.

Medicus Mundi contributed to the opening of the social clinic at the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome by donating essential medical equipment.

In 2017 and 2020, ITO Supporting Comity supported the opening of the new INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome by contributing to the renovation and provision of the necessary technological tools for recreational activities.

In 2017, the Foundation supported nutrition activities in the Bama area for the treatment of cases of acute and severe malnutrition in Nigeria.

In 2017, the Foundation contributed to the renovation of the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome and its subsequent rehabilitation.

In 2017, the Foundation contributed to the renovation of the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome and its subsequent rehabilitation.

In 2019 and 2020, the Foundation supported the activities of the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome, focusing on the second phase of Covid-19 assistance for migrants and vulnerable populations.

In 2020, the Foundation supported medical activities dedicated to women’s health at the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome, Italy.

In 2020, the Foundation contributed to INTERSOS’ initial Covid-19 socio-health emergency response in Italy.

In 2017, the Foundation supported the activities of the Mobile Migration Unit with a project focused on monitoring and data collection on unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy. It also supported the socio-healthcare activities of mobile clinics assisting agricultural workers in Foggia and the Advocacy program of the Migration Unit in Italy. Additionally, it supported INTERSOS’ emergency intervention in Ukraine.

In 2019 and 2020, the initiative “Never Alone, for a Possible Tomorrow” supported the Pass4You project, aimed at assisting volunteer guardians in supporting unaccompanied foreign minors.

Since 2018, the Foundation’s contribution has been essential for the proximity medicine program benefiting agricultural workers in the province of Foggia. The extraordinary support during the Covid-19 pandemic was crucial for INTERSOS’ emergency response in the Foggia area.

In 2020, Stichting Vluchteling and INTERSOS launched a partnership aimed at strengthening INTERSOS’ presence and humanitarian intervention in some of the world’s most complex humanitarian crises. Stichting Vluchteling contributes with funding and expertise, while INTERSOS focuses on implementing humanitarian activities on the ground.

In 2022, the Foundation supported the “Safe Space Women” initiative at the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome by funding the necessary equipment for the development of the sewing workshop.

In 2015, the Foundation supported the activities of the Mesoghios polyclinic in Crotone, Italy.

Since 2023, the Foundation has supported the proximity medicine program for agricultural workers in the province of Foggia, Italy.

Since 2011, the Foundation has supported INTERSOS by furnishing the A28 Night Center for unaccompanied foreign minors and later the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Rome, Italy.

Since 2014, the Foundation has supported the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center and the A28 Night Protection Center in Italy.
In 2017, it provided extraordinary support for the emergency response to the famine in South Sudan, and in 2020, it supported the socio-healthcare response to the Covid-19 emergency in Italy.

In 2012, the Charity Fund supported the A28 Night Reception Center for unaccompanied foreign minors and later the mobile protection unit in Italy, the clinic at the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Italy, and the proximity medicine program for agricultural workers in the province of Foggia, Italy. Additionally, it supports a Safe Space for women in Lebanon.

The IBM Foundation developed an application for the Mesoghios project, the INTERSOS polyclinic in Crotone, Italy.

Since 2016, 8×1000 of the Union of Christian Evangelical Baptists of Italy has supported the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Center in Torre Spaccata, Rome, and has also contributed to the Covid-19 socio-health emergency response in Italy.

The Italian Episcopal Conference supported the PAGELLA IN TASCA project—Study Channels for Refugee Minors to promote entry with a student visa for 35 unaccompanied minors currently seeking refuge in Niger, which was launched in 2020.

In 2011, the Foundation supported the restoration work for the opening of the A28 Night Center for unaccompanied foreign minors in transit in Rome, Italy.

In 2011, Infocamere supported the opening of the A28 Night Center for unaccompanied foreign minors in transit in Rome, Italy.

Stichting Vluchteling
In 2020 Stichting Vluchteling, the Netherlands Refugee Foundation, and INTERSOS started a partnership with the aim of strengthening INTERSOS presence and humanitarian intervention in some of the world’s more complex humanitarian crises.
While SV contributes with funding and expertise, INTERSOS implements humanitarian activities on the field, the partnership is based on a broader vision that unites the two organizations.

Waldensian Church
Since 2015, through the 8×1000 contribution, the Waldensian Church supports INTERSOS in different sectors and countries: education in emergencies (South Sudan), social health support for refugees (Greece), the social health intervention due to the COVID-19 emergency (Italy), protection against gender based violence (Democratic Republic of Congo), WASH Program (Lebanon and Afghanistan), the complete construction of a surgery room in the Ku’aydina hospital, one of the most remote areas in the North of Yemen, child protection activities (Libya), earthquake response (Syria).

Soka Gakkai Italian Buddhist Institute
In 2022, the Soka Gakkai Italian Buddhist Institute supported the emergency intervention in Ukraine and the Covax vaccination campaign in Yemen. The support of the Institute has been fundamental for the strengthening and expansion of the INTERSOS intervention in the Covax program in Yemen throughout 2023.

CON IL SUD Foundation
From 2022, the Foundation supports the project “Servizio socio-sanitario di prossimità negli insediamenti informali della provincia di Foggia e promozione di buone prassi nelle istituzioni del territorio”, making INTERSOS local presence possible for the period 2022-2024.

Kahane Foundation
From 2018 the Kahane Foundation has been supporting INTERSOS in Italy, allowing the start of the social health activity to assist agricultural workers in Foggia through mobile clinics, and the Center of primary healthcare and reception INTERSOS24 in Rome (Italy). The Foundation has also supported INTERSOS emergency interventions first during Covid19 emergency and then its operations in Ukraine.

Lavazza Foundation
Since 2021 Lavazza Foundation contributed to INTERSOS Covid19 emergency response (Colombia), has funded the Scholarship grants for youth yemenites (Yemen) and supported the emergency interventions in Ukraine and for the earthquake in Syria.